Sunday, March 04, 2007

Happy Happy Holi

Today was Holi, the Indian festival of color. Don't ask me the significance behind this festival- I learned it and have already forgotten. But the important part is that everybody runs around throwing paint and water balloons at each other.

Holi officially started at midnight on Sunday, but people began warming up several days in advance. Early signs of impending Holi were Friday afternoon when I got hit by a water balloon, and Saturday morning on a cycle rickshaw in Old Delhi when a group of young boys pelted a barrage of balloons at my rickshaw. This did not prepare me, however, for the craziness of Sunday morning. Gul and I went to the first party around 11am on someone's rooftop terrace. I got totally COVERED in paint-- it was smeared on me, thrown on me, splashed at me, rolled on me, all different colors, all over my face and clothes. Five of us drove from the first party to the next party which was at a "farmhouse" (read: European style villa) just outside of Delhi. There was more paint smearing and bucket-full-of-water dumping and running around with hoses. I looked like a martian by the end of the day and even after two showers, my face is STILL red and purple, so I look like I have a very bad rash. I promise to upload pictures!

In other news, my grandparents stopped by Delhi for a day and a half with a big tour group. They've already spent two weeks traveling around and have about 4 more days to go! I stayed with them at their swanky hotel and ate dinner with them and their group and came on the tour of Delhi during the day. I had a great time with them and it seems they've been having a great time overall, although they have had several episodes of stomach sickness, despite eating pretty much all of their meals in 5 star hotels. Would you believe it though, this weekend was the first time I myself have had stomach sickness in months, and guess where I ate all of my meals-- in my grandparent's hotel. Moral of the story: 5 star hotel food makes you sick!


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